

What is Citicoline sodium salt Powder?

Citicoline sodium salt is a nontoxic intermediate in the biological synthesis of phosphotidylcholine from choline. Studies indicate that Citicoline sodium salt can increase dopamine receptor densities. In addition, Citicoline sodium salt induces the increases Adrenocorticotropic hormone  levels in a Corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) independent manner. Other hormones of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis are also increased such as LH, FSH, GH and TSH. Studies conducted on brain cells show that Citicoline sodium salt can reverse the toxic effects caused by hypoxia, ischemia, and trauma. It is suggested that these neuroprotective properties of Citicoline sodium salt may involve reinforcement of intracellular glutathione antioxidative system, attenuation of phospholipase A, activation and prevention of phospholipid degradation, and prevention of glutamate neurotoxicity.

Keywords:CDP-choline-Na, CDP-coline, Citicoline sodium

Citicoline Sodium is used to treat age-related memory loss, cerebrovascular diseases such as stroke, dementia, as well as head trauma. Research has shown that it increases a chemical called phosphatidylcholine which is important for brain function. Citicoline might also decrease brain tissue damage when the brain is injured. Citicoline Sodium is also said to help with weight management when used as a dietary supplement.

Citicoline Sodium is the maximum neuron activation agent of current quantity, has following clinical application:

(1) reduce cerebral vascular resistance, increase cerebral blood flow, promote metabolism of brain, improve cerebral circulation;

(2) strengthen the function of reticular formation of brain stem, strengthen pyramidal system function, improve motor paralysis, promote Yelkin TTS synthesis, improving brain metabolism, can share with brain polypeptide, having synergy to improving brain function;

(3) principal indication is acute Cerebral surgery and the brain Post operation disturbance of consciousness;

(4) function also caused for other central nervous system acute injury clinically and the disturbance of consciousness, Parkinsonism, tinnitus and neural heariing loss, poisoning with hypnotic etc.;

(5) in recent years ischemia apoplexy, cerebral arteriosclerosis, multi-infarct dementia, senile dementia, viral encephalitis of infant etc. are widely used in clinically.

Post time: Feb-02-2025